Thursday, April 30, 2009
Time for a tight squeeze
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tweet, tweet
Chickie just poopied in the potty, on her own, without me even asking her to. I got tears in my eyes. (From the happiness, not the stink.) (138 characters)
The Onion drinkware--very funny (5 characters)
Jaw dropping here--WOW, Melissa Rivers just made QUITE A SCENE on The Celebrity Apprentice. Joan wasn't exactly mature either. Yikes! (133 characters)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Zoodle's nursery--the cool iron thing!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Monday Micro: Free fun
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Podcast update
The hardest-working member of our household
I really love our Electrolux stick vacuum. It's pretty enough to keep out--and I keep it right next to the kitchen table. (It's amazing to me that our kids gain any weight since they seem to drop more food on the floor than I put on their plates.) I am barefoot a lot of the time, and I really get tired of using my feet as dry mops, every spare crumb sticking to the bottom of them.
And when it comes down to it, I really could do a major vacuum/mop on the tile daily, and I won't confess how VERY far from that ideal I am. So our trusty stick vac does the job of picking up spare bits of this 'n' that, sometimes multiple times a day.
I love that a hand vac is incorporated into the unit--it pops right out when I push those little buttons on the side.
With the hand vac, I can pick up Cheerios and such, and sometimes I even use it on a particularly "crumb-y" tabletop.
We paid about $40 for this (a refurbished model) at Big Lots about a year and a half ago. To say it was worth it is an understatement. I'm not sure how we got through the first two years of Chickie's life without it.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Six Word Saturday!
So, here's mine:
Join the fun! Leave your six-word sentence here, at Show My Face, or on your own blog. If you post on your blog, be sure to leave the link at Show My Face!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Feeling creative?
It is dark brown iron(?) and has four hooks to hang coats or hats from. The whole piece is probably close to a meter long.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
even smaller
Okay, cute package, looks like something kids would like, but am I the only one that finds it odd to have a "Little" version of something that is already "Mini"?
- Mini Cooper IB (Itty Bitty): The newest auto out of Great Britain seats one person (4'8"/80 pounds, or less.) A company spokesperson admitted, "Sure, the market for this vehicle is limited due to its size. But we're hoping people will buy it without thinking about that, simply because it's so cute! {Squeeeal!}"
- Emperor of the Galaxy-sized King-sized candy bars: These extra-extra-large versions of Hershey's candy bars are as big as your head, and satisfy even the worst hunger or PMS craving.
- McDonald's Super-Sized XL meals: Two-pound hamburger patties and gallon-sized sodas are only the beginning. In a truly innovative partnership, Ronald McDonald and KFC's Colonel Sanders have teamed up to round out the meal with the ultra-popular Extra-Crispy Fries in a Bucket. Why eat three times a day when you can get all your weekly calories in one meal?
- Embryo Carrots: Baby carrots have become so popular that select gourmet supermarkets are now test-marketing Embryo Carrots. They're cut so small that you don't even have to chew them. Sprinkle ECs on salad, cereal, or ice cream to increase the nutritional content of your favorite dish.
- Nano Poodles: Miniature and Toy Poodles are so 20th century. Now breeders and geneticists have developed an even smaller variety. Nano Poodles can ride in a pocket, bra, or highly-teased hairdo without ever being seen by dog-hating maitre d's and store managers.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Photo Extra: Zoodle's nursery--the painting
Guest post: Dan Felstead: Puzzle Solver
To the hardcore visitors of Beth's blog....
This is a great opportunity to step out on a limb and try to solve a puzzle that has been bugging me for months. In Beth's post about her leaving for Boston...she unwittingly gave me the final clue I needed to make the connection and finally be at peace.
Here is the puzzle:
Does Beth have a sister? Is this her cousin? It this her twin? It is Beth in incognito? What is the deal here???
Here is the answer:
Ever since I have had the pleasure to enjoy all of Beth's blogs and podcasts, I like so many others... read the comments and have made some great friends by interacting. As I often read the comments, I noticed a person posting now and then by the name of "Beckiwithani". When I first saw the avatar...I thought it was Beth but not quite??? Something was different...not much...but enough to know that's not Beth. Every time I saw the Avatar, I thought Wow...the likeness is amazing.
Hallelujah! When I saw Beth was going to Boston to visit her sister BECKI...I quickly went to Beckiwithani's profile and there it of Beckiwithani's partners was none other than C.Beth and one of her blogs were about "Twins" and she is from MASSACHUSETTS! Oh yeah, I got it...I clicked blog about twins and lo and was for "Invited visitors only". I was never so happy to be turned down on visiting a blog in my life because it all came into focus.
Beckiwithani is C. Beth's twin sister and with so many folks following the One minute writer et al....she just needs some privacy now and then. Mystery solved.
TA DA! Oh, I feel like such a paparazzi!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Monday Micro: Little
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Blogging with discipline
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Hannah Montana
Friday, April 17, 2009
Bonus post!
Family haircuts
- She has an assistant who is happy to watch my kids while I get my hair cut. As April said the first time I called for an appointment and told her I'd have kids with me, "That's why I have an assistant!"
- Zoodle is going through a stranger anxiety mode, and it's fine with April if I hold my little guy on my lap while I get my locks shampooed, cut, and styled.
- The last two times we've been there, April has brought her little dog Devo with her. Apparently the dog doesn't always care for kids, but she and Chickie are somehow best buds. Chickie is in heaven playing fetch with Devo in a spare room, and Devo is just as happy.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
A little limerick
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Guest posters--please read!
- You can write on any topic, but please keep in mind that this is a family-friendly blog.
- When your post is ready, just e-mail it to me (as a Word document or just in the text of an e-mail) at cbethblog (at) gmail (dot) com. Feel free to attach any photos you want inserted, or provide me with links to their locations online.
- I'll e-mail you once I've got a post ready for your blog. If I don't have your e-mail address, please drop me a line at cbethblog (at) gmail (dot) com.
- If you're one of the top six on the list, please get me your posts by this coming Sunday (April 20th) at noon, at the latest. Friday or Saturday would be fantastic. If that's not possible, just let me know so I can call on someone who is further down the list.
- If you're further down on the list, there's no particular deadline.
- If you're one of the 12 people listed above, lease leave me a comment on this post to let me know that you read it.
I need help
Maybe oily hair isn't such a bad thing
Monday, April 13, 2009
Monday Micro: Fairies
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Eggcellent photos
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Reading rebel
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009 that's a yummy Easter egg
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
More on couches...
Who needs a magic carpet...
Chickie often wakes up during the night and comes into our room to sleep. We want her to feel comfortable doing that, but a few months ago, I was just getting sick of being so crowded that I couldn't rest well. So we moved that little couch into our room, unfolded it into a little bed, added a pillow and a couple of blankets, and told Chickie that she could sleep there if she woke up and wanted to come into our room.
To our relief, she loves it. She can come downstairs by herself, slip into our room, and go back to sleep on that little couch, with, usually, only a little sleep disruption for Mommy and Daddy.
And the Chickie Nap (remember that endangered species?) has even had a slight resurgence. Recently, Chickie has wanted her Sesame Street couch during her "quiet time" (formerly nap time.) Thankfully, it's very light and easy to carry upstairs. She often relaxes on it, reading, and a few times recently she's even ended up sleeping on it. Maybe she's not quite as ready to give up her naps as she thought she was.
This little couch bed has other uses too. Zoodle thinks it's absolutely hilarious to crawl up to it and put his head down, just like his big sister.
(The wetness on his pants and shirt is water, by the way. I do change his diapers. I promise.)
And when it's folded up as a couch, what better place to cuddle with teddy bears?
A magic couch. Every family should have one.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Is being a mom the hardest job in the world?
Monday, April 6, 2009
Monday Micro: Definition
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Zoodle's nursery--the border
Add a boot, hat, and blue jeans (well, not actually blue), and there's plenty of inspiration for a growin' cowboy.
Whimsical rope loops and stars fill in the rest of the border.