Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday Micro: Free fun

Shredded paperwork + 2 kids = Free Glee!


(And, yes, cleaning up thousands of paper ribbons strewn across the floor was a real pain. But it's still a great activity. A great, occasional activity.)


silver star said...

Chickie looks like she has pom-poms in her hand, a cheerleader in the making? While I know it must have been a pain to clean up, it does look like fun!

Rachel Cotterill said...

Looks like a great time was had by all! :) I think you need a second game for the kids to play afterwards: give them each a bag and offer some kind of prize for whoever picks up the most paper....

Kara said...

Why, we just bought a paper shredder over the weekend, and we have a mountain of old bills to shred... I think we'll have to try your game! :-)

Lindsay @ Makely said...

This = Lindsay having a heart attack. LOL Glad the kiddos had fun!

Call Me Cate said...

For real clean-up fun, get the cross-shredder and let the kids run free! Actually, probably more fun for them like this. They look like they're having a blast!

Dani said...

Perhaps if you shredded the paper into confetti it would be easier... the vacuum could pick it up. :)

TesoriTrovati said...

Such fun...and environmentally friendly too! You can now make a care package for a soldier or a college student...and use the shred. Your kids would love to help pack it! (or, unpack it as the case may be!) Proves that we don't need to spend a lot to entertain our kids!
Enjoy the day! I always enjoy mine when I stop by!

Anonymous said...

What a great bordom solver ... I may have to offer this little activity to Hubby the next time he looks bored! :)

caryn said...

Wow, this reminding me of a long forgotten memory of my childhood! On Thanksgiving morning as all of my brothers and father would go to the local football game my sister and I would stay behind to watch the parade on TV. To keep us busy while my mother was preparing for the meal and tons of company she would cut strips of newspaper and make them into huge pom poms so we could cheer along with the cheerleaders we would see on TV. My mother has been gone for 12 years now and its nice to remember something I had long since forgotten about. Thanks for the post it really brought a smile to my face.

Anonymous said...

At least they were strips of paper and not hole-punch dots! Those get everywhere. Like sand.

-Courtney Elizabeth

Newton Christian Church said...
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Beki - TheRustedChain said...

They look like they're having so much fun!

Bradshaws said...

Wow! you are courageous! I love your blog btw, you are very talented.

C. Beth said...

silver star--They do look like pom-poms, don't they?

Rachel Cotterill--That "game" sounds like a great idea!

Kara--I bet your kids will love it!

Living With Lindsay--Yeah, I had to get over my dread of the cleanup, and I'm not even a neat freak. But I am a little bit of a control freak. :)

Call Me Cate--Oh, wow--I had trouble letting them play with strips of paper; I don't know if I could do the confetti-size pieces!

Dani--Well...that's a good point. :)

Erin--Great idea to use shredded paper for packing!

Sandra--Ha! You'll have to let me know if he likes it. :)

caryn--What a great story! I'm glad you remembered it, and shared it.

Courtney--That is so true! Those little dots are impossible to pick up!

Beki--They had a blast!

Bradshaws--Thank you so much! I'm glad you visited it and enjoyed it!