Anyway, I am a swaddling moron. I've never been good at swaddling with a blanket. Thankfully my AWESOME friend Kristi sent me a Miracle Blanket, and let me tell you, this thing is truly a miracle. If he's fussing, even outright crying, he generally stops when I'm about a quarter of the way through with the wrapping process. And the Miracle Blanket actually keeps his arms in, which can be tough when using a regular blanket.
Here's a picture.
Yes, it looks like a baby straitjacket, but does he look upset to be in it? And the book of Luke says Baby Jesus was "wrapped in swaddling clothes" so Zoodle's in good company.
Miracle Blankets are pricey but to me it's been worth it. (I know, easy to say since I didn't actually buy it, but even if I had--I'd pay quite a bit for something this effective.) They can be purchased at (where there is a good instructional video and lots of great info), at, and at various other places.
Now for a couple of not-so-pricey alternatives. Becki (my sister) swears by the swaddling technique Harvey Karp describes in the book and DVD The Happiest Baby on the Block. However, for all but tiny babies, most store-bought blankets are too small. Her solution is to purchase a cheap knit jersey bed sheet (top sheet), queen-sized. Cut four square blankets out of it. (Queen sized sheets are nearly square.) These "blankets" work very well, even with babies who tend to get out of normal blankets. No need to even hem the edges. Make sure you use Dr. Karp's excellent swaddling technique. The book and DVD can often be found at libraries.
And here's a blog post that demonstrates "double swaddling" with two blankets. My advice--make sure the blankets are very thin and, as with any swaddling technique, watch your baby for signs of overheating.
With a toddler to chase around, I can't hold Zoodle through all his naps like I often did with Chickie! Swaddling with the Miracle Blanket has been a lifesaver for me.
I love the Karp technique!
A Queen-Size sheet actually works best. Queen-size beds aren't square, but the top sheets are almost completely square.
The best sign of overheating (besides sweating, which babies are actually very good at) is hot ears and neck.
Thanks, Becki! I edited the post.
The Miracle Blanket was a miracle for us as well. I didn't get it until Anna was about two months old, but we started using it she nearly always slept 5-6 hours at a stretch. She loved being swaddled.
I wish I'd had one for my other three kids.
I think the makers of the Miracle Blanket would pay you for that advertisement! I'm ready to buy another one and we don't even swaddle anymore! LOL! Love ya!
Do they make these in big people-sizes? if so, that's what i want for Christmas. And some footie pajamas. I'm a 3X.
aka "the one you never know what to buy for."
Liam loved swaddling. Cai, not so much. And go figure - Liam is my snuggler and Cai has to be grabbed and wrestled into "forced lovin'". Ha!
Eli looks adorable in his baby straightjacket!
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