Sunday, November 9, 2008

Really, is it THAT different from him drinking milk my body produced?

I'm going to warn you. This post is really gross. If you are easily disgusted, stop now.

I was sitting on the couch last night holding Zoodle; I'd just nursed him. I saw a little piece of food on him and figured it was a crumb from the pita chip I'd eaten a few minutes before. Too lazy to throw it away, I put it in my mouth.

"Hmm," I thought, "That's pretty salty for such a small piece."

A second later my food radar told me something was wrong. The little bite didn't taste bad; it was just very salty, with an un-pita-like texture. I took the morsel out of my mouth.

I looked at it more closely.

And I quickly identified a baby booger.

Hey, I did warn you.


Anonymous said...

mmm... i can taste it in my mouth.. haha :D

Anonymous said..., but with a three week old and a three year old, I can totally relate!

EE'sPhotoBoy said...

well ... goes to show you that you shouldn't put some things in your mouth. no matter how safe they appear.

Kerri said...

That is hysterical. Thanks for making me laugh!

Jonno Witts said...

Haha, I have no idea what to write so I'll just write what a just shouted out - "OHHHHHH, my God".

Mike said...

Ah, the wonders of parenting...

But you know, apparently baby's pee was used in medicines in the past... :P

beckiwithani said...


Do you think it would've been good with hummus?

Trace said...

Beth, that is hilarious! (Not much grosses me out, being in a house full of boys, you know!)

Anonymous said...

I thought that you were going to say that it was dried up breast milk! I guess you learned your lesson, huh? :o)

C. Beth said...

Ares--Ha, and EW!

Rosewood--Yeah, with little ones we do cut corners to save time, don't we? Congrats on your newborn!

Embee--Pretty much sums up what I thought of it!

ee'sphotoboy--Wise words!

Kerri--No problem; it's worth it to share my unglamorous mommy moments if it makes other moms laugh. :)

Jonno--Yeah, pretty awful, huh?

Mike--If you search online you can still find lots of info of people who recommend urine to help with all sorts of ills. I don't remember why I know this....


Trace--Hey, great to see you! Yeah, you must have a high threshold for gross-ness in your house. :)

Rebecca--Oh, dried up breast milk would have been FAR better!

Unknown said...

You wrote in my blog that you have a grumpy baby. No wonder Zoodle was grumpy, having to eat that stuff recycled!


C. Beth said...

I don't know, Dad, if he's a typical kid he may consider boogers a delicacy. :)

And, really, I was surprised how un-gross it tasted. Though I'm feeling a little nauseous remembering it....

Anonymous said...

The joys of being a Mom!

*Monica said...

That was awesome. Booger isn't so bad when you consider what it could have been. As a mother of four boys, I know. *shudder*

Anonymous said...

This is so my LIFE!! Thanks for boldly sharing!

forever folding laundry said...

Ahhh...the glamorous life of a mommy! =)

Anonymous said...

Been there and done that!

James Baker said...

Lol oh dear. No, I haven't done that cuz I don't have a baby, just a cat haha. But Gee... I am a bit germ phobic hahahah.

Anyways hello =)

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Becky said...

*snort* Thanks for the laugh!

Wd said...

That was gross!

But yes, it was a great read!

SSQuo said...

Reading this I actually felt like throwing out whatever nothingness existed in my mouth. But with a sister with an infant, I have seen first hand that this is far from the other disgusting things that people around kids consider quite normal.

Great post!:)