It was a mullet.
So, I got out the scissors today. I cut the back, and trimmed up the extra-long hairs on the sides a wee bit too.
He still has long hair on the sides and in the front, but the mullet is now ancient history, where it belongs, along with the 1980s.
Chickie got a trim today, too. (Sampa, this pic's for you!)
Awwww! Adorable. You should be a hairdresser...unless you aren't one already! Chickie deserves a label too! :)
Oh, thank you for reminding me, Mike! I added Chickie to the Labels.
It turned out great! I'm so glad you got rid of the mullet.
OH MY GOSH!!! Love the pic of zoodle as you're snipping the locks. Too hilarious. You should definitely keep that handy to bring out at all major life events: First day of School, First day of Junior High, First day of High School, First date, Graduation, First day of University, All major holidays in which he brings friends home, Wedding....seriously, it is awesome.
Terabithian--Thank you! I was pretty nervous the first time I did it since I had some DREADFUL self-trimmed bangs (yep, the wet hair mistake) a couple of times growing up. But so far I haven't totally botched it, and it's getting better the more I do it....
Angie--I know, even us geeks know that mullets are NOT COOL.
Heather--Ha ha, thanks! :) I'll get it blown up into 10 x 14 prints (is that big enough??) to be used as future embarrassment ammo.
Both kiddos are SUPER EXTRA adorable!! I'm a hairdresser at our casa too. I've been cutting my hub's hair for 12 years and DD's for 2.5. Why pay $15 for 2 mins in the chair?? Sheesh :) But I am super impressed at Zoodle's cooperation! DD is now ok as long as a lollipop is stuck in his mouth :)
ohhhh...zooble is one cute and happy baby! :D
so sweet
You are so brave, I am terrified of chopping my little boys hair so I just let it grow, and grow, and grow... probably why everyone now mistakes him for a girl.
awesome job on the haircuts!
the kids are adorable as always!
Very cute! Great job, Beth!
Okay, after reading the title of this post, I was so relieved to see that it involved hair and not something, errr., more painful.
Oh and now I'll also not feel so guilty about putting susequent *boy* children in Kate's purple Bumbo. I'll defer my husband to this picture when he complains. See, Beth did it AND posted it on the internet. LOL!
I just wish your children would cheer up! Seriously, those are two happy little kids, Mama. So fun to see -- and great haircuts!
Hi Beth...
I come over from Forever Folding Laundry..I really enjoy your blog and I think Zoodle's hair looks shows one of my favorite baby areas...the back of the of my favorite places to see on my babes~
Heehee! The comment by Simpson Family is linked to my sister-in-law's blog. Oops! She's NOT look for readers, so if you wouldn't mind, could you delete it?? Thanks!
I'll copy my comment here...
I think you're ready to do your OWN hair now! Wouldn't THAT make The Engineer happy?? :P
Great job, really! They both look so adorable! I could just eat Chickie up!!
Have I told you how hard it is NOT to refer to everyone by their real names here? :)
Very cute Beth. I love the smiles they both have :)
Oh gosh! I love your children! They're so awesomely adorable. Zoodle is SOOOO cute and Chickie is SOOOO lovely!
Anyway, I've tagged you. Kindly go over to my blog to know more about it. Hope you don't mind since I want to know more about you so that's one of my ways. hehehe! No pressure though. It can take you a week or so. No worries. And please let me know if you're done with it so I can check your blog out. Thank you. GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY! P.U.S.H.
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