Grammy and Sampa's arrival was a very exciting event. Because we live two states away from them, we don't get to see them that often. But we talk on the webcam often enough for the kids to feel that they know them, and to be thrilled when it's time to see them in person.
As I write this, Sampa is doing the Hokey Pokey upstairs. In the 30 or 40 minutes since they arrived, they've read I-don't-know-how-many books and played with plenty of toys too. I'm so happy to have kids who adore their grandparents, and just as happy that the feeling is mutual!
I didn't get the Sampa thing until you explained it. That's awesome. Not a whole lot of Sampas out there I'm sure.
I love that you use the webcam to keep the kids in touch with their family over the distance. As an auntie who has moved quite a distance away, I feel like half the time we do spend with family is spent reminding the kids that we aren't strangers and maybe they remember us? No? Okay, well then here's a toy, love me anyways.
Enjoy your visit!
There is just something so beautiful about watching the love between our parents and our children!
That is beautiful. I love when parents are amazing grandparents!! Andrew is super blessed in that department as well with his Nana and Papa (my sister's kids had the naming privilege!). Your parents look like kids in that picture! Super young and fit! WOW!
Being a parent is a mixed bag sometimes....its a fun, messy, crazy, aggravating blessing that makes some days a whole lot better than others! Being a grandparent is a whole different ballgame. It is pure, unadulterated, unconditional love....(sort of like having a puppy but lots better!)....there is NO downside, unless you live in different towns!
I'm so glad they were able to come for a visit and that the kiddos and "Grammy" and "Sampa" are enjoying the visit as well!
my side of the family is kind of boring, it's Oma and Opa for generations.... Boring!
But on my hubby's side, it's whatever the first granchild is coming up with: so we have Mema for grandmother and Buelo (not Abuelo) for grandfather...... Yeah!
It makes it so unique and the grandparents feel super-special.
What a sweet picture Beth. And how great that your Dad is running half marathons!
Waiiiit a minute!! Sampa does the hokey pokey?!! I thought I was the ONLY grandparent who was famous (with my grandchildren) for their hokey pokey. Sampa and I may have to have a hokey pokey grandparent face-off!
Waiiiit a minute!! Sampa does the hokey pokey?!! I thought I was the ONLY grandparent who was famous (with my grandchildren) for their hokey pokey. Sampa and I may have to have a hokey pokey grandparent face-off!
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