To keep traveling affordable, we use our Southwest Airlines Visa for most of our purchases. The Engineer travels for work too, so we link our Visa to his Southwest Rapid Rewards account. Currently we have four free round trip tickets--yippee! (By the way, Southwest recently sent me a special offer to pass along to my friends. If you get a Southwest Visa card, you get a free round trip ticket after you use it for the first time, and I'll be given 25% of the required credits for a round trip. So if you're interested, drop me an email at, and I'll get you hooked up.)
In August we'll head to Arizona to visit my parents. The kids will be in heaven--a week to play with Grammy and Sampa!
We'll leave from there and immediately fly up north to visit The Engineer's parents in northern California. The kids will love seeing Grandma, Grandpa, and Gigi!
And at some point we're going to take a road trip to visit my dad's mom. I haven't seen Grandma since Chickie was 15 months old. (And I can't even find a photo from that trip!) I definitely want to introduce Grandma (and various cousins, aunts, and uncles) to Zoodle, and to let Chickie get reacquainted with them. The drive is 12 hours without kids (so probably a few hours longer than that for us!) but it'll be worth it!
Are you planning to travel this summer? If so, I'd love to hear about it!
Sounds like fun! Where in Northern Cali are you going to be?
It sounds like you have a very nice trip planned. Our only trip this summer will be to my in-laws. I don't have any vacation time (used the last of it for my sister-in-laws wedding) so we are going to camp out at their house for the long weekend of Fourth of July. Then we just have some little day trips planned for a few other weekends during the summer. Not much, but it will have to do this year.
Just signed up for the Southwest Visa Account, on the advice of my daughter in law, at the Nashville Airport, on Monday. It's such a great deal. Wish I had read your post earlier. I would have definitely signed up through you.
Too bad you can't swing through Indiana on one of thsoe trips... :)
We went on a little getaway June 1-2 to Santa Claus, IN and went to Holiday World and visited Lincoln City (Lincoln grew up in Indiana) and went to the Christmas Store and Santa Claus Museum and Santa's Candy Castle. It was a ton of fun and I wish we'd planned 3 days instead of just 2!
Up next, we're doing an overnight in Fort Wayne- just a bit north of us. They have a fantastic Children's Zoo and Science Center and minor league baseball team.
We're more focused on "staycations" and overnight getaways this year. We thought about trying to plan a "real" trip where we drive a long distance and stay in a hotel and so on... but just thinking about it made me kinda tired. LOL!!
Well, it sounds like I'll see you in August!
We're going to see a shuttle launch in September. Around Halloween we're thinking of taking a trip to an unnamed city you're very familiar with. :) our girls could get another chance to play together.
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