Grandma and Grandpa have a magic fountain.
Spending time with Grandpa is the best!
Even GiGi the chihuahua, who is skittish around kids, let Chickie get to know her.
Chickie also bonded with these enchanted animals.
Zoodle entertained us all with his magic trick--putting his binky all the way in his mouth.
Cuddles from Grandma would make any kid smile!
Zoodle put his time to good use by apprenticing with the master barbeque-er.
Nothing beats a hug between siblings!
Our first visit to a lake was a big hit.
Finlly, we wrapped up the trip with a long day of travel...and Chickie tried her hand as an amateur photographer.
(We may need to teach her a little about photo composition.)
I discovered that while the grandparents' house is a magical place, home is too. It's nice to be back.
What a wonderful time. Zoodle is suddenly looking much older! I love how completely ecstatic he seems to be about everything. Way to go, Chickie! you're never too young to start exercising those photo skills.
Such great photos! It looks like you had an awesome time. Or at least the kids did! That picture of Zoodle at the lake is made of happy. And I think Chickie's photo does a fine job of capturing what it's like to all ride together in the backseat.
So glad you had a nice visit!
Thanks for sharing the pictures! Looks like you guys had a great time :o)
You need to post pictures of yourself when you were Chickie's age because she looks JUST like you in these pictures!!
great pictures, glad you had a fun time with family!
Your kids are adorable! These are great pictures. How did Zoodle do on the flight? We're planning to fly with our one-year old soon and I'm crossing my fingers that she's in a "I'll nap the whole way" mood that day!
I smiled all the way through them.
what precious pics!
You guys look like you had a fantastic time! Love the pictures!
Love the pictures. Looks like you had a wonderful time.
Glad you had a fun visit! This pictures are great!
Memories were made. It was a special time I am sure.
But yes home can be magical, especially your own bed. It seems to be the ultimate of arriving home to sleep in your own bed.
Soooooo happy you're back. The boys kept looking for your kids at church. It's just not church to them without Zoodle there! And the nursery was sorely empty without the two of them.
Great pics! Looks like a gorgeous neighborhood/area!! Love the huggy picture :) Glad you are back...even though I don't live close to you or anything!
Welcome Back. Great pics of the trip. The kids look like they had a great time! Chihuahua didn't look too sure though!
did he put a worm in that fountain?
Great pictures. It sounds like you had a wonderful time. But, nothing feels better than getting home, does it? Welcome back!
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