While I've outgrown The Babysitters Club and Sweet Valley High, there are some works of literature that I still like to read twenty-plus years after I first picked them up...even if they're written at a 4th grade level. "Kid lit" is great, because I can read a well-written story in a fraction of the time it takes to read most adult books. And being transported back to childhood adds a bit of magic to the experience..
Last week I was digging through old books and came across a sci-fi book written in the late 1960s called The White Mountains.
I spent time Friday night and Saturday morning devouring the story of three boys determined to keep their freedom in a future world dominated by mind-controlling aliens (or are they aliens?) called Tripods. I've ordered the rest of the series from Amazon--I'm not sure if I ever read the whole series, so I can't wait to get started on book #2. And I'm looking forward to introducing my kids to these books in a few more years.
What "kid lit" do you (or would you) still enjoy reading?
I've read the White Mountains trilogy so many times! I love it.
I do think you'd enjoy the Harry Potter books, too. You should really try them... The first one's good, and after that they are great.
Boxcar Children! I always wanted to live in a boxcar after reading them :o)
I loved the Harry Potter series and have read a few of the books several times. My husband and I read the Narnia Chronicles aloud every night while I was pregnant. The series I read as a kid (over and over and over) (seriously, and over) was the Black Stallion Series. I wonder if I would get sucked right back into them now. I should get my mom to get them out from under her stairs and give them a go.
I loved the Judy Bloom books as a young girl. As an adult, I read some of the Harry Potter books and really enjoyed them. But since having kids, I haven't gotten a chance to read anything!
Stoping by from SITS.
Two series I loved as a kid, "Lassie" (believe it or not, there were a lot of them!)and another series of books I couldn't wait to read during library period at school, "Don't Call Me Katie Rose" . Hadn't even thought about these in a long time...
Ramona! Loved Ramona!
I really like Tamora Pierce's books. I also enjoy reading the reviews on http://www.books4yourkids.com/ and then trying to find the ones I'm interested in at the library.
Little House on the Prairie for sure. Still working on my reread of Anne of Green Gables (a little longer than typical kid lit). Also a friend recommended "The Westing Game" by Ellen Raskin a couple of years ago and that was a FABULOUS book. I adored it and will definitely read it again.
Reading intimidated me as a kid. I didn't think I was good at it. It seemed overwhelming. I was a math/sci head. So I shoved it off as a periodic necessary evil. Until high school. When my brother gave me The Hobbit. I became a voracious reader of all things sciFi or myth & fantasy. In my 20s, a good friend helped me branch out. I think he jump started me way too big. He handed me some Dostoevsky. A bit heady. But it forayed me into other types of literature. These days, I have little time for reading. So when I do, I'm still working on the chronological reading of the bible. I'm at the end of Jeremiah. It's still riveting and I love it. Have fun with your sciFi series!!! That's way cool.
I first read A Tree Growd in Brooklyn by Betty White in 4th grade and I've re-read it every few years ever since. In fact, I asked for a new copy a few Christmas' ago because my old one was getting worn out! I also love to re-read Beyond the Paw Paw Trees by Palmer Brown. It is an old (1950s) out of print fantasy book with pen and ink illustrations by the author. I tracked a copy down on ebay a few years ago and got Johnny to buy it for me for my birthday. I also love to re-read the Little House series. Great post Beth!
Little House on the Prarie, Harry Potter,
I've not heard of this book you just posted about but I'm betting my sci-fi loving hubby would love it!!
I did a post just last month on YA Lit. I love it- stuff I grew up on as well as newer written stuff. From "The Girls of Canby Hall" to "The Book Thief."
I love Holes! Sideways Stories from Wayside School is another great one. Both were written by Louis Sachar.
I still love the Wizard Of Oz altho I haven't read it or, even watched the movie in several years, altho we have a video of it. My 4th grade teacher read it to the class and that was in 1939 and '40.I was so thrilled when, several years ago it was on television and I was able to watch it with our daughters.
Loved the "Christy Miller" series by Robin Jones Gunn. I reread it and came to find out last year that there were at least 20 new books in the series, including the College Years and some after that!!! Those actually applied more to my life now :) I was SO happy. I loved reading and still do! That's usually what I do at least 2 to 3 hours a day(or I should say night!!).
Nancy Drew all the way. The Nancy Drew with the yellow cover. I still have all of mine. I pick them up every couple of years to read all over again.
I never had that period of kid lit, as I moved right from learning books to the adult books. Seriously, I read harry turtledove in elementry school (got in trouble for writing about that actually), and he is nothing like younger lit
really, I think that the books serve the purpose to teach kids what is wrong with society, not anything else
granted, with people considering Ender's Game, The Hobbit, and The Giver as kids lit, I might still be in that period
thanks for stopping by! haha next time i cook, you are more than welcome to come on over! i love company. :)
i havent had much time for reading recently, unfortunately. :( but did enjoy nancy drew and harry potter :) oh and sweet valley high...mmm
(i havent set up my blogger acct, so if you need it, amongdaisies@gmail.com)
Nancy Drew (I have about 40 of them) and the Harry Potter series.
My favorite story was "Where The Red Fern Grows" by Wilson Rawls. I used to read it aloud every summer with my grandma and mom at the cabin and we always had a box of kleenex very nearby! I still love to read that story!
They made it into a movie and I thought it totally flopped!
Like Shannon, I loved Boxcar Children when I was a child. But the series I have actually bought sometimes for MYSELF (of course, I SAY that they are to read to my grandchildren, but they already have their own set!)is Junie B. Jones. I just find those books hilarious and wish I could write like that!
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