Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho,

It's off to work I go.

I have had my real estate license for over six years, and for the three years prior to Chickie's birth, I was a busy, active real estate agent.  I loved it, but switched to being a full-time mom when she was born.  I did continue doing occasional work.  Being able to only work occasionally, and to say no when I want to, has been absolutely wonderful.

I haven't done any real estate transactions in over a year, since early in my pregnancy with Zoodle.  Yesterday, though, I listed the home of some friends.  It's fun to be back in the game!

Fun...and tiring.  I always tend to forget just how many hours it takes to get everything in place at the beginning of a listing.  I'm also preparing for Chickie's birthday party Saturday, and Monday the kids and I will be headed to Arizona to visit my parents.  So it's a BUSY week, and my blog posts may not be top priority!

I will, however, be sure to have a post tomorrow.  Today is Chickie's third birthday, and tomorrow is The Engineer's and my ninth anniversary!  More on both of those big events tomorrow.

Be sure to check out last night's post announcing the art giveaway winner!


silver star said...

Happy Birthday Chickie and a Happy Anniversary to you and The Engineer! Hope everyone has a blast in Arizona. Safe travels!

Anna said...

Happy Birthday/ Happy Anniversary!

beckiwithani said...

Happy birthday, Chickie! Sorry your Uncle Becki hasn't sent a gift yet....

Kerri said...

Happy 3rd Birthday Chickie....& Happy Anniversary Beth & Engineer!

Cathy said...

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Chickie, happy birthday to you!! Love, Grammy and Sampa.
p.s. hope we get to talk today!!

Sasha said...

Happy 3rd bday Chickie! Can't believe our girls are 3!

Lyndsay said...

Happy Birthday Chickie! It is so hard to believe they are 3, isn't it?

Crazy Mo said...

Good luck with the house sale! Happy Birthday, Chickie! And Happy Anniversary to the two of you ... may you be blessed with a future of love, laughter and happiness.

Bobbi said...

Happiest wishes to your family! Funny you are heading to Arizona next week... I'll be there on Thursday and Friday before heading to California for a friend's baby shower. Safe travels!

bARE-eYED sUN said...

Chickie, Happy Birthday! Mom, Dad kudos for the last nine, onward, forward and all the best wishes for you both!

p.s. just love reading your adventures. :-)

Jenners said...

Happy Birthday! Happy Anniverary! Bon Voyage! Happy Back to Work!

Just reading all you do tires me out.

Anonymous said...

Congrats and happy birthday! What a great week you're celebrating :-).

Faith said...

Happy Birthday, Chickie! & Happy Anniversary Beth & Engineer! Have a super week.

Isabella said...

Happy Birthday Chickie!


Happy Anniversary!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Chickie. And Happy Anniversary to you and the Engineer.

And just Happy 'Day to Zoodle, who I'm sure will keep on smiling that million dollar smile, even though he IS the only one not celebrating something! :)

Our Scoop said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHICKIE!!!!! We hope it is the best day for you! And Happy Anniversary you two! Congrats on 9 years!!! 9 years is so exciting! Hope you get to do something super special together!!

Rachel Cotterill said...

Happy Birthday Chickie! And happy anniversary to the two of you for tomorrow.

The housing market is pretty dead over here, I hope it's better where you are.

Tia said...

Lots of wonderful events to celebrate! Enjoy!

Special K said...

Happy Birthday! Three is so much fun!!!!

Julie said...

I know what you mean about the work life balance stuff! I got my real estate license in Oct 2006 and my son was born in Aug 2007. I loved the RE work before he was born, and still do, but it has been such a blessing to get to lay low while he's little. Maybe I'll actually get to meet you when you come to AZ next week since I attend SRC- it's always more fun to read a blog when you kinda know the person!

Becky said...

Happy birthday, Chickie! Also, happy anniversary to you and the Engineer!

C. Beth said...

Sara, Anna, Becki, Kerri, Mom, Sasha, Lyndsay, Crazy Mo, rainylakechick, bARE-eYED sUN, Jenners, Sandi, Faith, Isabella, Sandra, Our Scoop, Rachel, Tia, Special K--THANK YOU!

Becki--Don't worry about it; it's not like she's running short on toys. :)

Sasha, Lyndsay, & Special K--I know, not long ago at all we were all sharing our birth stories with each other! Crazy!!!

rainylakechick--Ha, maybe we'll run into each other in Yuma. That would be so ironic!

bARE-eYED sUN--Thank you for reading; I'm so glad you enjoy it! I enjoy your TOMW responses.

Jenners--Geez, me too. This week is definitely more busy than I'm comfortable with. But we all have those weeks occasionally; I'm glad they aren't all like that!!

Sandra--Thanks for including Zoodle! :)

Our Scoop--We are going to dinner (just The Engineer & me) Friday. I think we should plan something really special for next year, 10 years!! Like a trip somewhere!

Rachel--Our housing market is definitely soft but is WAAAAAY better than most of the country, thankfully. We didn't have the huge jump in values the last few years, and we aren't seeing the steep decline. Gradual changes like we've seen here are so much healthier than the "bubble" that grows and pops.

Julie--Oh, I do hope we get to meet each other! I'll just be there one Sunday, the 25th.

C. Beth said...

Becky--Thank you! :)