But...drumroll, please...recently I discovered something. When using Blogger's word verification, which currently consists of a string of numbers and a string of letters, like so...
...you don't have to put a space between the numbers and the letters. In the above example, you could type "11819folsire" and it works. You don't have to type "11819 folsire." Get rid of that needless space!
I just saved you .025 seconds, every time you use Blogger's word verification. Use this tip consistently, and by the end of 2013 you may save up enough extra time to take a nice, deep breath.
And don't we all need that during the holidays?
I have noticed that sometimes you don't even have to type in the correct numbers and it still works.
I don't generally mind most word verification. The ones I mind are the ones that are more like eye exams. That I fail. Over and over and over again. :)
I must not be that big, because I rarely get spam and I keep the word verification off cuz I hate having to do it or make others do it! But I still love you even if I have to try more than once to get the right.
I can save you another couple of seconds - you don't have to type the second word at all. It's being used for image-based text recognition, I wrote about it when I first noticed: http://blog.rachelcotterill.com/2012/06/ocr-and-blogspots-word-verification.html
This made me smile :) Thanks, Beth. I, too, don't like receiving those spam emails in my inbox.
Thank you! These days, every .025 counts!! :)
>>>>Rachel C: Thank you too! You are correct, I just entered only the first "word" and it worked like a charm! Cool!
Yay those fractions of milliseconds really do add up! :) Excited for that free time in 2013...if we all make it that far! :)
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