Saturday, March 27, 2010

Six Word Saturday!

It's that time again...Six Word Saturday! To find out more about 6WS and to participate, check out Call Me Cate's splendiferous blog by clicking the button below.

My words:

Googled "How to tie a sarong."

Little Sis and I are on our first overnight, out-of-town trip together. We've been matched for over six years, so it's about time! Tomorrow we're headed to the beach, and I have this great sarong I got a few years back as a gift...but I'm somewhat clueless on how to tie it. Google's provided me with plenty of links, though, so never fear--I plan to have a very cutely-tied sarong tomorrow!

1 comment:

Mellodee said...

I bought one when I went to Hawaii, learned how to tie it from a shop clerk. Wore it once for the luau and when I got home it was in the middle of a cold snap. Put the sarong away till summer, but then never could remember how I tied it in the first place! There was no Google at the time. It's still in a drawer somewhere. Never worn again....and we went to Hawaii 22 years ago!!! :)