Before the race she wasn't too happy about the chilly (low 50s) weather....

But once the race started, she began running, with gusto!

And we were so proud--with Daddy alongside, Chickie ran the whole way!

She was proud of the medal she got (given to all the kids.)

Then it was Mommy's turn. The race went well--I was even able to smile with about a quarter mile left!

I did do just a little walking; I think that my breathing suffered with the excitement of the race, and I got some side cramps--ouch. Hopefully next time I'll pace myself a little better. But as I neared the finish line, I got a fantastic burst of energy and sprinted the rest of the way. That was a great feeling! A finish line is more fun than my front door, where my runs usually end!

My time (31:36) was a little slower than I'd hoped for, but overall I think it was a great race, and next time I'll know more of what to expect and will do even better. There were 181 women, and I was #91. That puts me exactly in the middle of the pack, and as a beginner I am happy with that! I was a little below the middle in my age/gender group. (By the way, the top female ran in 18:13...and she was in the 7 to 11 age group! Amazing!)
I enjoyed the race so much that I decided to sign up for a 10K (6.2 miles) four weeks! I probably will do part walking/part running, but just finishing will be a victory for me--someone who wasn't even a runner until I started the Couch-to-5K program a little over four months ago on October 28!
Congrats, Beth! (and the Kid K is too cute! Go Chickie!)
Great job Beth and Chickie!
Way to go girls!! I'm so happy for you...and proud to "know" you! Congratulations...and good luck on the next one!
I'm so proud of you! You must tell me your secret for looking so reasonable at the finish line - I'm always red and sweaty and a total disaster. And Chickie must've been so excited with her official race number and medal and all.
Good for both of you. Though I'm disappointed that Zoodle wasn't out there doing his part. Maybe next time. ;)
Congratulations on your feat :-).
Beth, that's fabulous! Congrats on a GREAT time!
GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what an amazing family event it turned out to be with daddy too. You did great Beth, yes you also look great. Throw out the kids that won from the list and with just the adults where do you rank? Chickie looks so cute too
I'm so proud of you and Chickie!
I started the C25K today! Maybe I'll catch up with you - though I can't imagine doing a 10K.
Amazing job Beth! I love the energy at the finish line. Tip about side cramps...Breathe out super hard and fast. It hurts like a son of a ...but it works.
Good luck training for the 10k. As someone told me, if you can do a 5k, then you can do 10. If you can do a 10k, then you can do a 1/2. If you can do a 1/2, then you can do a full marathon. The game is more mental than physical after a point.
Congratulations to both of you!
Awww, congrats to you both! CUTE pics - love it! Hmm... maybe Big Sis would like this...
Great job! My first 5k is in a few weeks. I'm a little nervous, but am hoping adrenaline will get me through it. :) 31:36 is a great time!
WOO HOO! That's so great!
Go Beth! You look so great! And I love the picture of Chickie and the Engineer. :)
Yay Beth and Chickie! Great job!
You absolutely rock.
Congratulations, Beth! I can imagine how good you must have felt about your first race! And the pictures are great -- make me feel like I was there. I especially like the one of Chickie and her daddy running. What a great experience for all of you!
WOW!!! I am so happy for you! Congrats. That little one is adorable. Can't wait to see how your 10K...I am sure you are going to do great.
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