My six words for this week...
Hangin' wit mi sweet Lil' Sis.
This weekend my "Little Sister" (who I mentor) is spending a couple of days with us. In honor of that, I tried to write my Six Words in current teenage shorthand/lingo. (She assures me that everybody spells "my" as "mi" now.) I'm at least 15 years too old to make it believable, aren't I?
u shudnt of used capital lettrs or apostrophes. i wud say this:
hangin wit mi sweet lil sis
(I know these things because I often get emails or texts from my 7th-graders that say things like, "hey ms norris i forgot wats the hw and u didnt put it on ur website can u plz email it 2me thx")
Have fun. No idea on the "proper" teenspeak.
Thanks for playing!
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