This picture brings up a great memory! Chickie was almost a year old, and my parents were visiting us. My dad is a huge fan of Starbucks (or Fourbucks, as Lyndsay calls it), so going there with his granddaughter was a very special occasion. And of course, Sampa ("Sam"+"Grandpa") was being silly giving Chickie her very own "hat."
I'm supposed to tag six other bloggers to participate in this Fun Photo Meme. Well, I'm not threatening any bad luck if you don't do this, and if you do, you probably won't have something great happen six minutes after you post. But if you think it might be fun, please participate whether I've tagged you or not. My six "tag-ees" are Sandi, Lyndsay, Kristen, Angie, Blite not whack, and Sandra.
That's an awesome pic! Can't believe how fast they grow up huh?
Such a cutie!
I've been tagged! I'll admit it, I don't have an online storage album. I do have an extrnal hard drive that has all my photos on it. I'll take the 6th picture from the 6th file. Is that OK?
Anna--I know, she looks so young here! Chickie looked at it and thought it was a pic of Zoodle. :)
Ange--Oh, of course that'll work! Thanks for playing!
Thanks for this tag, Beth. I'll post it tomorrow. :)
Awww - Chickie at Fourbucks. What a fun picture :) Thanks for tagging me. You've given me my post idea for tomorrow!
Posted! That was fun. Thanks.
That is such a cute picture!
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