Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I love Etch A Sketch tablets and always have. It's a challenge to try to draw something with a toy that only lets you draw vertical and horizontal lines, and doesn't let you "pick up the pen". In fact, I freely admit that the Etch A Sketches in our house (full-sized model and mini model) both belong to me, though Chickie thinks they're hers. I had The Engineer buy them for me as a gift before we ever had kids.

The other day Chickie asked me to draw Mommy and to draw Chickie on the Etch A Sketch. Chickie's portrait turned out pretty cute.


The one of me, on the other hand....


I promise, I don't really look like Jay Leno's ugly cousin.


Shannon said...

You are a very talented etch-a-sketch artist! And you killed me with the Jay Leno's Ugly Cousin. TOO FUNNY!

Our Scoop said...

Wow! very impressive. I don't think I can even draw a circle!

Lyndsay said...

You are talented! I do have to say, I've always thought Eli looked like his daddy, but I see a resemblence towards his mom now. Who knew :)

Anonymous said...

never knew you had that talent Miss Beth!!!! wow... that is great! how long does something like that take??

C. Beth said...

Rebecca--Just a few minutes; once you get the two-handed motions down with the two knobs it's pretty easy! Although I probably would have been far more attractive in my portrait if I'd taken longer on it. :)

Becky said...

Wow, that's talent! I'm very impressed!

Kerri said...

That's super impressive. I'm lucky if I can draw a straight line on one of those things.

LEstes65 said...

If I can draw stairs, it's a good day with my EtchASketch!