Q: What's the first thing a blonde asks the doctor when he tells her she's pregnant?
A: "Is it mine?"
Well, here's my big announcement...
I'm pregnant.
And it's not mine.
I know, I know...I've got a lot of explainin' to do!
So, remember my beautiful best friend Ann? The one who has filled such an important spot in my life? Well, Ann is a cancer survivor.

When she found out she had cancer over four years ago, Ann and her husband had a son, "Coqui," who is just a little younger than Chickie. They definitely wanted more children.
Unfortunately, the surgery that removed Ann's cancer (completely--yay!) also left her unable to be pregnant. But her doctor gave her hope--if they could find someone who wanted to be a gestational carrier for them (a more accurate term than "surrogate" for a woman who carries someone else's biological child), then they could have more children--children that were biologically theirs.
Ann and her husband let people know what they were looking for, and her husband's cousin quickly volunteered to be their carrier. In a lab, embryos were created with Ann's eggs and her husband's sperm, and one of them was transferred to their carrier. She became pregnant, and now Ann and her husband have a vivacious little two-year-old daughter, "Peanut."
But there was one embryo left, which was carefully frozen and stored for almost three years. Recently, this tiny little embryo was thawed and placed in my womb. We waited the requisite time for a blood test...and it came back positive! It's official.... I'm pregnant with Ann and her husband's third child! It's pretty ideal--The Engineer and I feel that our family is beautifully complete, and Ann and her husband feel that with one more, their family will be just right. They had an embryo that needed a place to grow; I have a uterus and enjoy pregnancy and childbirth. A great fit, right?
I'll be eight weeks pregnant tomorrow (Sunday, 11/20). We had the pleasure of seeing the perfect little baby on a sonogram this week, with its heart beating at a perfect pace. What a miracle! It will be so beautiful to see Ann and her husband meet their little one in person around July 1 of next year! And I know that child will be so special to me--I'm looking forward to being an honorary auntie!
So, I know this is a lot to take in. Most of us haven't ever known anyone who has been a gestational carrier. I know you probably have some questions, so I invite you to ask them here. You can ask anything--and I'll answer it, as long as I feel comfortable disclosing the information!
This is such a wonderful, beautiful, exciting, and unique experience. It's something I started considering when Ann and her husband were first looking for a carrier, over three years ago! I knew it would be so rewarding and I am deeply blessed and happy that it has worked out. What a huge privilege, to provide a temporary home to a baby who will then have the blessing of joining its wonderful family--a family who is so special to me. Wow--it's pretty awesome!
Ann and I see God's fingerprints all over this. He gave life to those little embryos and is protecting them...two-year-old Peanut, and her tiny sister or brother who's growing perfectly and getting bigger by the day. He gives me the desire to do this, and the excitement for it! He instills faith in Ann and her husband, so they can entrust me with their child for nine months. And we look forward to seeing His amazing creative miracle when this child is born! God is the One behind this--we want Him to have the glory!
Thanks for sharing in our excitement!
(Oh, and I hope to be blogging more often now. My mind has been so distracted by this exciting process and by early pregnancy that I haven't been on Twitter, Facebook, or my blog as often! Now that I am sharing this with my online community, I hope to be talking to you all more frequently!)
Bring on those questions...! (Don't be afraid to ask them!)
You can read Ann's announcement post here.
Edited to add: You can read my first Q& A post here--the answers to your questions may be there, but if not, ask away!
No questions here; just wanted to subscribe to comments. Love you!
How wonderful! I can't thing of exactly what to say but I am going to love following this journey with you. What and amazing gift you and your family are giving her and her famiy! I keep thinking back to the posts you two wrote about eachother and just think this is fantastic.
WOW. That's all I've got! That takes a degree of selflessness most people don't have. I pray you have a blessed pregnancy.
I'm so excited for you and Ann to share this experience together. And, of course, for you to both share it with us. :)
Beth, that is amazing and so exciting! Congratulations to you and Ann!!
I tried to comment earlier but apparently my iPod didn't like that.
Beth, you are an amazing person. This is such a huge gift for your friend. I don't know anyone who's done this and I don't think I would be able to do it. Carrying a child and giving birth are just giant things. I'm so proud to be count you among my friends. God bless you and I'll be praying for you during this!
My biggest question when I hear something like this is always How?
How do you have a child growing in you, carry that child for 9 months, give birth to that child and then give it away (Or back to it's parents, in this case)?
I always think that would hard after developing such a bond.
How exciting for your family and theirs! We will be thinking of you and praying for you all!
awww... love you both (or all, really)
Wow! My mind is spinning, Beth! What an amazing, amazing gift. I am thrilled for you and your best friend and the joy you are feeling in this experience. I am excited to hear about it.
What an amazing thing you're doing! Congratulations!!!
What an absolutely beautiful and wonderful thing you are doing! You will give Ann such an amazing gift, and one that will change everyone's lives. You truly are a fantastic person! Keeping you all in my prayers!
How awesome! I would love to be able to do that for someone! I hope you still plan on sharing belly pictures because I love to see belly pictures!
Yeah Beth! So excited for you and Ann and all your families. Best gift ever!
Holy Cow! I mean, Wow! This is just incredible news. What a selfless and generous thing for you and your fella to do. I always knew you were special, but I didn't realize quite how special you are! I am happy for you all. Also, if you have need of help at any time, I am just a few miles away. Please know you can call on me. Mostly though, just WOW! :)
Hugs all around!!
What an amazing thing you are doing Beth! Best wishes for happy, healthy, and easy pregnancy.
This is amazing! When I first read the news, I thought, "Wow, did I read that right?" It was surprising, but then I thought about it a bit more and I'm not all that surprised. I only know you through your blog but you seem to be such a kind, caring, giving, thoughtful person. From reading your blog, I know all of this and that you give a lot of thought to things. I think this is a miracle and I'm so happy for you and Ann!
Wow! Big news! What a wonderful experience to share with your best friend! I will be praying for an easy and healthy pregnancy!
Congratulations to Ann and her husband on the coming addition to their family. I'm glad things worked out so well. Good luck with your pregnancy.
Coolest announcement ever!! Congrats to everyone! :)
Congratulations to Ann and you both! How amazing!!!
How wonderful!! This will be a very special and exciting time for all involved! I hope and pray that you will have a wonderful pregnancy and birth!!
How wonderful! Very excited for you both. What an amazing journey. Can't wait to read updates.
Wow! That is so fantastic! What a special time for both of your families.
Wow, that truly is a big announcement! I did not see that coming! Congrats to all!
Knowing what a big supporter of breast feeding you are, do you plan to pump and store milk?
How wonderful! Healthy pregnancy! How are you going to tell the kids that this baby isn't yours? I bet they will completely understand having such a loving and wonderful mother such as you! best of luck. I can't wait to follow you along this journey. Glad to hear you will be blogging about it.
What a wonderful thing for you to do for another family. xo
what a generous loving thing to do. May you all be richly blessed by this experience forever
Beth!!! Ohmigosh, congratulations! This is such wonderful news! What a blessing this child will be and what a special friendship. Wishing you a healthy pregnancy!! xoxo
Wow, Beth. Wow!!!
What an amazing gift you are giving your friends!
Babies are always miracles,
and how wonderful for you to be such a HUGE part
of this one!!
Amazing! Several (4) of my grandchildren are adopted. My daughter was unable have children. Incredible women...we think they are angels, gave her a family. So I just want to thank you for giving family to your friend!
OMGosh Beth, congratulations, that is so awesome to be giving your friend the ultimate gift of a life. You rock girl, i'm so very proud of you!
Wooaah Beth! You're such an amazing person
http://nivuuuuu.blogspot.com/2011/11/heights-of-friendship.html - here is as ode for you!
wow - how incredible! congratulations =)
That's an absolutely noble and sweet thing to do! Hats off Beth. I don't think I'd have the courage to carry AND give away a child that I have been carrying for nine months but you're right. God's footprints can be clearly seen from your selfless act!
Congrats and God bless!xoxo
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